Results on the go

3 tips for making the most of your sessions

You’ve no doubt heard of the phrase: “What you put into it is what you’ll get out of it.” This is not to say that the burden will be on you to overprepare for the sessions, but it’s still important to follow my suggestions to make the most of your time with me.

Before we launch into it, it’s crucial to know that in order for you to gain maximum results in record time, we both have to establish a connection. This is usually forged through the bonds of trust: you are trusting me to work on you, and I trust you to be as open-minded and honest as possible.

The only way to determine if we are a good match is to book yourself in for a free 30-minute consultation, where you’ll have the chance to ask me questions, and vice versa, before we begin.

So, assuming we have connected and are happy to work together, here are 3 things you can do to unlock your full potential through my sessions.

1) Don’t think too much

“When we started, Alka told me to trust myself. She asked my body questions, and certain events just popped into my head. When I told her what they were, she confirmed that they were indeed the ones causing the blockages, and proceeded to clear them immediately.”

By this point, we’ve already established a connection, and I’m fully tuned into your being, meaning your body and I are working in tandem to expose those deeply embedded emotions.

What this implies is that you don’t have to think too much about your answers as I ask your body a series of questions to pinpoint the precise event that has caused the emotional blockage.

Simply tell me the first thing that comes to mind as I float the question, and we will confirm with the records. If more information is needed, or if that was not the event your body wants to release, you’ll have the chance to delve into it again, and again, and offer another response.

The point is not to overthink it. Just relax and trust your instincts.

2) Do the mantras

“After our first session, Alka gave me a mantra to do and oh my God, the effects were just amazing! Every time something or someone bothered me, I’d use the mantra to overcome the bitterness, and it really, really worked.”

Remember that thing about the best A&E? Well, that’s me, and I’m there to tow you out of trouble.

My sessions on their own are effective, but you can go the extra mile by doing the ground work behind the scenes.

At the end of each session, I would usually prescribe a mantra to help enhance the effects of the session. Continuous repetition of the mantra will ensure you build a solid shield to guard your emotions, and to prevent future blockages in the same area.

Please take the time to do this, as it really does help!

3) Drink lots of water

This might be obvious, but I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep yourself extra hydrated after the sessions.

Before your first session, you’re like a cup of cold, dark coffee that’s gone off because it’s been out for so long. After the session, you’re an empty cup because we’ve drained all that nasty swill, and so you’ve got to fill it up again with a fresh brew.

Try to drink at least 2 litres, if not more, of water, for at least 2 days after the session. This will keep you energized as you get through your day.

So that’s it, 3 things you can do to make the most of your time with me.

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