Here are some questions people ask about my work

Why do you do sessions over the phone and not in person?

It's very difficult to get the conditions conducive for healing because every place is surrounded with its own unique energy.

I have set up my space in a way that doesn't allow any external influences to affect my readings, which is why I prefer doing readings over the phone.

How much do you charge per session?

CAD $75 for a session

How many sessions do I need?

The short, and very annoying answer, is: it depends. Because, truly, it does.

No two sessions are the same, and what might take one person a single session to clear blockages may take several attempts for another person.

For concerns like back and shoulder pain, I’ve found that clients usually need 5 to 6 sessions on average before the pain really eases up. In other instances, like restoring romance in relationships, it can sometimes take just 1 or 2.

How long does each session take?

Again, it depends from person to person. Sometimes, it can take just forty-five minutes to remove all the blockages connected to one particular issue. At other times, it can take longer, and often you may need a few more sessions until the process is complete.

I usually give as much time to a person as possible to ensure we’ve got through as much as we can before determining whether or not we do need more sessions.

What’s the highest number of sessions you’ve done on one person?


Don’t worry, you might never need those many as that was truly an exceptional case. I will usually do as much as possible in each session, which is why I don’t charge per time period, but per session (minimum forty-five minutes).

Does this really work?

You never know until you try! This is your life we’re talking about, and until and unless you’ve exhausted all resources, you’ll never know what does and what doesn’t work for you.

There are many factors that will determine the success of your sessions. The first is whether or not we have a connection based on mutual trust. The second is how open and willing you are to see change. The third is how much time you put in after our sessions to really amplify the results. See this post for more information on getting the most out of your sessions.

Also, you can check what my clients have said on my home page. Don’t just take my word for it!

How do you know if we’re connected?

It’s just like asking: how do you know that person A is your best friend, or that you like to spend time with person B?

We all operate on certain frequencies, and when you connect with someone of the same or similar frequency, you’ll instantly forge a connection with him or her.

This is why that is so important. Once we get to talking, you’ll know straight away if we’re a good fit.

Do I need to believe in God for this to work?

You need to believe in yourself. Everyone is welcome to work with me, no matter what background you come from, or what faith you follow.

Again, as long as we are connected and you trust me to work on you, you’ll experience the same results as someone with a totally different belief-system.

Not sure? Try that free 30-minute consultation!

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Overcoming family issues

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