
My mother and I stopped speaking

Disclaimer: the client was comfortable sharing his story for the purpose of encouraging others in a similar position to seek help

The last time she and I spoke, the conversation didn’t end well. We were at odds over my life’s decisions, and we just couldn’t get along. After our row over the phone, I decided to cut her out of my life completely, never to speak to her again.

A whirlwind of disasters

My mother tried to get in touch after I cut her off. It dragged on for months, and then years, and she eventually stopped trying. Other members of my family tried to interject, to patch things up, but no matter what anybody said, I remained adamant that it’s what I wanted and that nothing was going to change my mind.

I had hit an all-time low in my life and found myself stuck at a crossroads. My relationship wasn’t moving forward, I had been in the same job for four years without any prospects for future progression, and to top it off my best friend and I had drifted apart after seventeen years of friendship.

I couldn’t understand why it had happened. He suddenly stopped replying to my messages and didn’t answer my calls, and I realized how my mother must have felt when I did that to her.

I still didn’t reach out to her, and kept living my life from one day to the next, moving neither forward nor backwards.

The accident

It was the middle of the night when my brother rang my cell phone. He told me that my mother had been involved in an accident, and that I should go out to see her. We were now countries apart, and hadn’t seen one another in more than five years. It didn’t seem like it was life-threatening, so I turned it down and ended up squabbling with my brother.

When my mother was discharged from hospital, he told her and my father what had happened. They decided not to be involved in my life all together, and I found myself alienated from my entire family.

Around this time, my girlfriend and I were on a break and she’d flown home to spend time with her family, which meant I was all alone.

Chance encounter

I was on sick leave from work, having cited mental health issues as the reason for my absence. My General Practitioner had given me a note, and asked me to get some counselling.

One evening, I skipped my therapy session and stayed at home. I was browsing the internet, when I came across an Ad on Facebook that caught my attention. I clicked on it and found myself on Alka Masrani’s website.

I was running out of options and was starting to feel horrible about my broken relationships with my family and girlfriend, who still wasn’t back from her parents’ house. I decided to call Alka for a consultation, and she gave me a time slot for the following day.

Magic results

It just so happened that a lot of what I went through with my mother was because of a feeling of unreceived love from my father when I was twenty-two, which was just a year before we stopped talking.

Alka gave me a mantra to close the Karmic account and release negative energies between my mother and I. She told me to do it as often as possible, especially in the mornings and evenings before bed.

I did as she suggested, figuring it was better to go through with it completely, and after three days my girlfriend called saying she was coming back and wanted to see if I wanted to take our relationship forward.

A week after she came back, my brother reached out and said my parents were flying in and wanted to have dinner with us both. I agreed to it and the five of us had dinner the weekend after my brother rang.

A beautiful dining experience

I didn’t know what was going to happen at dinner, but I certainly didn’t expect it to go so smoothly. We laughed and talked fondly about the old times. My mother and girlfriend, in particular, hit it off and enjoyed a laugh.

Remembering what came up in my session with Alka, I asked to make a toast and addressed both parents and told them how much I loved them and that I was glad everything worked out.

We kept in touch thereafter, and my parents even invited my girlfriend and I to stay with them back home.

Somewhere out there, I can imagine Alka smiling, knowing that she set another life right.

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I help clients dislodge the rocks that are wedged onto the paths to their destiny